Narraciones espaciales desde el cuerpo. Una aproximación arquitectónica a las relaciones de sumisión, violencia y armonía

  1. Víctor Manuel Cano Ciborro 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    Madrid, España


[i2] : Investigación e Innovación en Arquitectura y Territorio

ISSN: 2341-0515

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 4

Issue: 1

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/I2.2016.4.04 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

More publications in: [i2] : Investigación e Innovación en Arquitectura y Territorio

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This research aims to focus on understanding the space from the point of view of the link between the body and the complex and unstable environment it inhabits. On the one hand, the body with its relationships, actions and affections, stand as the key tool for understanding the dynamics of contemporary spatial production. On the other hand, the inclusion of human scale makes the great stories to vanish in an array of several sensitive bonds that re-humanize architecture and pay attention to the feelings of each person. Thus, it is revealed a narration that places the body as the main character, a body that fluctuates between sub-mission, violence and harmonious relations with other bodies and space. As a case study, the most abject and violent construction has been chosen: the Auschwitz concentration camp; in order to re-think it from the inmates’ affections and to question ourselves the contemporary relationships and actions, which according to the philosopher Michael Foucault they are moving to different surveillance and invisible violence ways. This line of enquire is based on a multitude of cartographies, as an instrument of knowledge, to show architectural narrations through the body. The objective is both to analyse past situations and to think about new spatial opportunities.

Bibliographic References

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