La dispersión de la escritura líbico-bereber desde Numidia hasta Canarias

  1. Mora Aguiar, Irma
Aprender la escritura, olvidar la escritura: Nuevas perspectivas sobre la historia de la escritura en el Occidente romano
  1. Moncunill Martí, Noemí (coord.)
  2. Ramírez Sánchez, Manuel (coord.)

Editorial: Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 978-84-1319-317-5

Any de publicació: 2021

Pàgines: 39-64

Tipus: Capítol de llibre


The Canarian Libyco-Berber alphabet is relatively homogeneous: it is like the Numidian alphabet, but it has some non-normative characters that work like alphabetical markers. The analysis of these markers in 1,389 N orth African inscriptions and 115 inscriptions of El Hierro reveals a concentration around the steles of the limes and the rock panels of South Morocco. Thus, we propose the existence of a third Libyan alphabet: the southern Libyan, used in the pre-Saharan frontier. After the romanization, the southern Libyan alphabet was widespread to the south, reaching the Tafilalt and the Draa valley. From these regions, the alphabet could have reached the Canary Islands in the Christian era.