Relationship of motivational variables and gender with the academic performance in Spanish Language subject in students with dyslexia

  1. Remedios Guzmán Rosquete 1
  2. Daniel Rodríguez Rodriguez 2
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna., España
  2. 2 Universidad Europea de Canarias, España
Interdisciplinaria: Revista de psicología y ciencias afines = journal of psychology and related sciences

ISSN: 0325-8203 1668-7027

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 40

Issue: 3

Type: Article

DOI: 10.16888/INTERD.2023.40.3.5 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Interdisciplinaria: Revista de psicología y ciencias afines = journal of psychology and related sciences

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The study of the variables that influence the performance of students with dyslexia has generally favored cognitive variables, while the influence of non-cognitive variables has been less explored. This study analyzed the importance of self-concept, causal attributions and goal orientation on performance in the Spanish Language subject of students with dyslexia, taking into account their gender. A sample of 84 students with dyslexia (46 boys and 38 girls) from 6th grade of primary education was selected. Students were enrolled in 11 public elementary schools from Tenerife (Spain). All of them were of Spanish nationality and had been diagnosed in 3rd grade with dyslexia by specialized professionals dependent on the Ministry of Education. The following instruments were used to evaluate the motivational variables: AF-5 Multidimensional Self-Concept Scale, Sydney Attribution Scale and Goal Orientation Scale. And the measurement of academic performance was obtained from the final grade for the Spanish language subject. Results showed that girls with dyslexia perform better than boys, and that the relationship and influence of the variables on performance in the Spanish Language subject is different between girls and boys. The girls obtained significantly higher scores in academic self-concept, while the boys had a significantly higher score in mastery-avoidance orientation and in attributing success to external causes. Therefore, the gender perspective is a factor that should be taken into account in the school treatment of dyslexia to maximize the educational achievements of these students.

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