La resiliencia de los padres de niños con cáncer y su importancia en el manejo del estrés y la satisfacción vital

  1. Melguizo Garín, Anabel 1
  2. Martos-Méndez, Mª José 1
  3. Hombrados-Mendieta, Isabel 1
  4. Ruiz-Rodríguez, Iván 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Málaga

    Universidad de Málaga

    Málaga, España


Psicooncología: investigación y clínica biopsicosocial en oncología

ISSN: 1696-7240

Ano de publicación: 2021

Volume: 18

Número: 2

Páxinas: 277-291

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.5209/PSIC.71432 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Psicooncología: investigación y clínica biopsicosocial en oncología


Objective: The main objective of this study is to analyze how the resilience of the parents of children diagnosed with oncological disease influences the perception of stress and life satisfaction. Methodology: 112 parents of children with oncological pathology who received treatment in Malaga participated. Data were collected through self-report measures. Results: There is a significant and negative relationship between resilience and perceived stress, and a significant and positive relationship between resilience and life satisfaction. In the study by dimensions of resilience and stress, the personal competence of parents decreases stress R2 = 0.24; F = 12.12; p<0.0001 and the dimension of resilience acceptance of oneself increases life satisfaction R2 = 0.42; F = 31.24; p<0.0001. Conclusions: The analysis of resilience through its dimensions has allowed to know the role it has on stress and life satisfaction of parents with children with cancer. These results can have important practical implications in the design of interventions that improve their quality of life.

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