Sociodemographic characteristics, comorbidity, and baseline functional status of older patients treated in emergency departments during the COVID-19 pandemic and associations with mortality: an analysis based on the EDENCOVID cohort

  1. Del Castillo, J.G.
  2. Jacob, J.
  3. García-Lamberechts, E.J.
  4. Salmerón, P.P.
  5. Alquézar-Arbé, A.
  6. Llorens, P.
  7. Jiménez, S.
  8. Espinosa, F.B.Q.
  9. Aguiló, S.
  10. Gil-Rodrigo, A.
  11. Alonso, C.F.
  12. Burillo-Putze, G.
  13. Fernández, B.E.
  14. Méndez, C.S.
  15. Vela, M.I.
  16. Motto, E.Q.
  17. Cho, J.-U.H.
  18. Llopis, F.
  19. Marrón, R.
  20. Martín, S.G.
  21. Aguilera, C.L.
  22. González, X.A.
  23. Rizzi, M.A.
  24. Llauger, L.
  25. Olagüenaga, A.M.
  26. Vaswani-Bulchand, A.
  27. Esquivel, P.P.
  28. Nicolás, J.A.S.
  29. Fernández, E.C.
  30. Escolano, E.R.
  31. García, A.C.
  32. Salgado, F.F.
  33. Miró, Ò.
  34. Erakutsi egile guztiak +

ISSN: 2386-5857 1137-6821

Argitalpen urtea: 2022

Alea: 34

Zenbakia: 6

Orrialdeak: 428-436

Mota: Artikulua