La escala de evaluación de las competencias emocionalesla perspectiva docente (D-ECREA)

  1. Carmen M. Hernández-Jorge 1
  2. Antonio F. Rodríguez-Hernánde 1
  3. Olena Kostiv 1
  4. Raquel Domínguez-Medina 1
  5. Stephany Hess-Medler 1
  6. María Carmen Capote Morales
  7. Pilar Gil-Frías 1
  8. Francisco Luis Rivero Pérez
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna, San Cristóbal de la Laguna, Tenerife, España
Psicología educativa

ISSN: 1135-755X

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 28

Issue: 1

Pages: 61-69

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5093/PSED2021A5 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Psicología educativa

Sustainable development goals


Emotional and creative competences are key for life and are acquired in contact with socialization agents. Emotional competences assessment is better done from a multidimensional 360 degree evaluation model. This study analyses the psychometric qualities of an instrument based on this model to assess students’ emotional and creative competences by their teachers. In this study 230 Primary school teachers valued 2,540 public school’s children in the Canary Islands. Factor validity was checked and factor structure was replicated in the main sample and the two sub-samples analysed. A high internal consistency was observed in this instrument. The study substantiates this as a rigorous instrument for teachers to asses their students’ emotional and creative competences in an easy, reliable, and valid way, and which is further adapted to the school reality.

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