Enseñanza bilingüe de las cienciasestudio comparativo sobre su influencia en el rendimiento académico y en las variables emocionales experimentadas por el alumnado y sus familias

  1. Ramírez Orduña, Martina Soledad
Dirigée par:
  1. Susana Sánchez Herrera Directeur/trice
  2. Ana Belén Borrachero Cortés Co-directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 08 mars 2021

  1. Florencio Vicente Castro President
  2. Fernando Fajardo Bullón Secrétaire
  3. María Isabel Fajardo Caldera Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 646913 DIALNET


This doctoral thesis aims to investigate the impact of bilingual education programs (Spanish-English) on the academic performance of students, as well as the emotional dimension of these and their families. To this end, a comparative analysis has been carried out between the grades and emotions experienced by students who follow a traditional type of education and students who follow a bilingual education in the subject of Natural Sciences. Likewise, we wanted to analyze the influence of bilingual programs on parental involvement, emotions and satisfaction shown by families towards this same subject. The study follows a quantitative, descriptive methodology and has been carried out in several schools (non-bilingual and bilingual) in the city of Badajoz. Several questionnaires referring to emotions such as motivation, anxiety, self-efficacy, etc. have been used as evaluation instruments.